Songs with gay bar lyrics

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'We Were Witchy Witchy Witchy Witchy White Women'.Human Zoo comes from a line in 'I'm the Devil'.Likewise, KILL was named from the song 'Egyptian Cowboy', as well as being the overall 'feel' of the record.Album Title Drop: Fire was so named because the band noticed that the songs had an abundance of the word in them and decided to roll with it.It also suffers from erectile dysfunction. As the lyrics go, it doesn't care if it tears us apart. Is a Crapshoot: The titular device from the song 'Broken Machine'.

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Sexy Trash: The Rarities, Demos and Misfires of Electric Six (2008)Įlectric Six provide examples of the following tropes:.I Shall Exterminate Everything Around Me That Restricts Me from Being the Master (2007).

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