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Facing it head on, using it as a teaching moment, admitting mistakes and encouraging growth is the way to progress. After seeing vulnerable communities mistreated and addressed publicly that past few years, we know that sweeping it under the rug is not the answer. For that reason, I am requiring all of our staff to partake in racial sensitivity training. When any member of our staff does or says something insensitive, we know it reflects on all of us. Rather, we are using this as an opportunity to learn and to ensure it doesn’t happen again. We at The Monster are not going to make excuses. Wrote owner Charlie Rice on behalf of the bar, on Facebook: “We are deeply upset as to how the language used in the recent text messages that came to light on social media miscommunicates our strong belief in community and diversity.

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The Monster has released a statement saying that Lopez resigned and that employees would be undergoing racial sensitivity training.

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